When asked about the month of November, most people immediately think of perfect weather, spring carnival and Christmas fast approaching.

With all that is going on, it is easy for the month to slip away without having a chance to stop and smell the roses. Another event that is gathering plenty of momentum is 'Movember'.

Since its inception in 2003, the Movember concept has become one of Australia's biggest fundraising events. Last year, 128,000 men grew moustaches to raise more than $21million to support research programs targeting male depression and prostate cancer.

Of those 128,000 last year, a handful of people involved at Laming Racing joined in and although they managed to look even more silly than normal, it was all for a great cause and plenty of money was donated.

So with only a few days remaining before November begins, we are again on the lookout for support from anyone who is willing to help. Any type of donation would be great appreciated, and if the price is right, Richie may consider removing his early so people don't have to look at it anymore!!

We would also welcome anyone who wants to throw away the razor blades for the month and join in the cause. You may feel passionate about these causes or you might just have a desire to look like Merv Hughes (above).

For information on how to donate or get involved, please contact David Cameron on david@lamingracing.com.au